Amelia Blanchard |
Janie Boley |
Pat Buesch | Paula Joseph |
Jo Marinelli | Maryanne McCorkle |
Belle Nichols | Dorothy Pink |
Rosalie Possamano | Clea Reilly |
Monica Roach | Angie Stella |
The following are earlier members who graced us with their love, their laughter,
and their good humor. We hold them in our hearts and wish them well.
Marion Smith | Frances Violante |
Angela Longi | Mary Auriemmo |
Mary Joseph | Anita Montpas |
Shirley Hull | Lucy Colletti |
Mary Budge | Nancy Costantino |
And, of course, our substitutes, without whom many a night would have been utter chaos!!!
Thanks a lot, girls, for pitching in and giving us a hand.
You can really make those dice roll!!!
1975 |
1991 - 20 Years Together |
2002 |
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