Leonardo Costantino

Leonardo and Palma Paciulli 1921
Domenica Rose 1922, Gaetano Thomas 1926, Ben Venturo 1933

WWI ... Italy 1920 ... 1930 ... 1954

1937 Funghi! Tom, Ben, Dee ..... 1978 Nonnie and her Grandkids

On his discharge from the Army, Leonardo worked for Santa Fe Railroad. During the depression, he worked 3 days a week - good for those times. A job opening came up for someone with his own toolbox. Tom remembers his dad coming home and making his own tool box to get one extra day of work a week.

Leonardo became a citizen because he was in the army. He was proud to be an American and he never let anyone forget it. He loved his new country and was loyal and true. During WW II, he often was chided by some Italians. He was called, "The American", and they would stop talking when he came around. Their loyalties were not the same as his.

When any of the kids would be fussy over what they were eating Leonardo had a couple of stories to tell them. "If you are hungry enough you will eat rocks."

Then there was always the story of two young boys, who were hungry. They smelled the meat cooking at a feast, but didn't have enough money to buy a sandwich. So they pooled what money they did have and bought a bit of bread. They inhaled the delicious aroma of the meat, took a bite of bread and that was their dinner for the day

Be lucky you have food to eat. So, eat.

Mama loved to cook, to have company and to play cards. When our kids were little she would put one of them up on her kitchen stool and show them how to make caviteed with their little fingers. She would come over to our house for several days and brind shopping bags full of food, already cooked and ready to eat. It took her a while before she would try my cooking, but Tom persuaded her!

She was a good sport, she always was there to give a hand, like when she used the sledge hammer to start tearing down our kitchen wall because she got tired of hearing us talk about "going to enlarge the breakfast room". She got us started! She came camping with us, crawling into a little 2-man tent, came to the beach with us and all the kids, walked on the gangplank under piers to the end of the pier, stepping over missing boards. That got to her, tho. She had to go back. We were just a little bit over the water !

Domenica and Victor Dituri
Rosanne 1943, Diane 1947

1927 ..... 1947 ..... 1969 ... 1978

Rosanne and Fred Ferrari dv
Lisa 1968, Theresa 1972

1951 Diane, Rosanne ... 1969 ... 1977 ... 2010

Lisa and Jeff Villagomez
Linda Villagomez, Jeff's daughter

1969 With Lennie ..... 1976 ..... 2008 Jeff and Linda..... 2009

Theresa and John Fowler dv
Tessa Rose 1998

1976 ..... 1999 with Tessa ..... 2010 ..... 2010 Tessa

Diane and Tino Salitrero dv
Victoria Marie 1967

1948 ... 1972 ...1973 Nonnie, Vic, Diane, Dee, Gram ... 2009 with Ann

Vikky dc and Manuel Galvan
Britney D'Nea 1987, Manuel 1991, Cydnie 1996

1970 with Rita ... 1981 with Lisa ... 2005 with Diane, Manuel
1987 ... 2004 ... 2004 ... 2005
Tom and Nancy Marzo
Leonard Eugene 1951 dc, Mary Palma 1953, Rita Ann 1955,
Ann Victoria 1957, Joseph Anthony 1961
1930 ..... 1938 ..... 1946

Ben and Irma Cota dv
Ben and Joan McIntyre
Danny, Chrissy, Sherri
Richard, Joan's son

1944 ..... 1948 ..... 1976 Joan, Fred, Carol, Ben ..... 2010 Joan, Sher, Shavonne ..... 2010 Ben, Nick

Danny and Priscilla dv
Monique and Danny
Irma, Danny's daughter

1958 ... 1979 Danny, Priscilla, Monique, Danny... 2009 Dan, Chris, Sher... 2009 with Irma

Christine and Chuck Manzanares dv
Miguel Angel, Regina

1972 ... 1974 ... 1985

2009 ........ 2009

Sherri and Frank Cardonne
Shavonne, Nicky, Sonia

1972 Ann and Sher .....1995 Sophia, Nick, Sher, Frank, Shavonne .....2010 Sher and Frank
2008 Shavonne wedding ..... 2010 Nick, Frank ..... 2009 Sophia

Richard and Pat
Tiffany, Tara, Emily.

1976 Mary wedding ..... 1984 Rich, Pat, Tiffany ..... 2007

2008 Pat, Tiffany, Emily, Tara ..... 2009 Tiffany, Dylan, Stephen Ringel .....2010 Emily, Dylan

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