This is a small agriturismo in Trasquera. It sits at the top of a sloping meadow, surrounded by forests and towering peaks. It is like sitting on the doorstep of Heaven.
I would sit here on the edge of the patio, eating breakfast and drinking capuccino.
Ashley and I helping to prepare for the big dinner tonight. All the people I had met before will be here. Tonight I will give out the T-shirts I brought from California. Center photo, Michele and Angela, who are the owners of La Fraccia, and Manuela who came tonight to help.
The group on the right are all related to Onorina. They came over to visit with us and show us their family photographs. It looks like you can go back far enough and we all are related !
Valerio and Angela's son, Marco, his wife Monica and their baby son, Michele.and Monica's mother, Maria Angela,
2009 Italy..
Monterosso al Mar..
Arrividerci Italy